Yolanda Adams Saved My Life

Thanks so much Mrs.Yolanda Adams she has saved my life through her blessed singing from up above she said you look in the mirror and say “I Am” I am a women of God I am wealthy I am doing my will and purpose for God I am bold and courageous I am joyful I am love I am living my best life etc...... and she replied “Unlax Self “YES YOUR ALL OF THAT” in bold letters. God LOVE is INESTIMABLE to all his children don’t worry about are you in the right place he’ll make sure you catch your unique touchdown when he throws you his ball every time and your always going to see Supernatural Miracles all around you when you lean on him and not your own understanding I love and very Thankful & Grateful for all your songs it has truly helped me achieve so many goals. Yolanda Adams “YOU’RE ALL OF THAT AND MORE AS WELL” I can’t wait for the opportunity to meet her one day so can tell her in person how she saved my life. I have been flourishing ever since TO GOD BE THE GLORY!