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Dreams Really Do Come True

Dreams Really Do Come True
Taking a leap in faith that’s unraveling into my Dream. When you keep your eyes set on things from up above, when you fall down to only get back up stronger, when you have faith not by sight and my own timing, when you strive not knowing the results just knowing the Aim, and putting my best foot forward and taking the step without fear. I’m a natural giver so when something was placed in my heart to give It’s more meaningful especially when I’m obedient. Michael Blackson a very nice guy above all came to Houston Texas and poured upon us his gifts and talents of gut busting joyful laughs and after the show I was to excited to give and show my appreciation for his time which is princess with Unlax Self®️ City Zest (Shea Butter Cologne) & Beard Grow & Shine handmade products made with love from my heart with no expectations only from up above rather he uses them are not me being obedient and doing it with a diligent heart is what really matters and that’s what makes my Dreams come true and it also gives me a pot of Gold at the end of every RAINBOW that shines inside of me.


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